FocuSport partnership

FocuSport has been working with sports clubs of different disciplines for many years. It operates with a team of sports psychologists who, in addition to having been athletes in different sports, are also football, karate, Baskin and Mindfulness trainers. FocuSport offers sports psychology services thanks to the many years of experience of its members. The […]
Gianmarco Duina

We Football was born from the idea that we, together, can win any game. We, as teammates, which within our academies means the players, the local staff and also the international trainers. There is no relationship whereby trainers transfer skills unidirectionally, but there is a mutualistic system of exchange and collaboration whereby the flow of […]
Ferruccio Nolli

I am a former professional footballer and have been a youth football coach for almost twenty years. Dear readers, I would like to introduce myself and tell you about my wonderful experience in Zambia. At the beginning I was a bit worried because it was the first time I was teaching coaches in a new […]